Monday, November 23, 2009

Everyday in the morning when I wake up, my sun shone balcony welcomes another warm day, on breezy winter mornings. Overlooking my balcony is a slum of some construction workers and unlike my early mornings, theirs is slightly busy and chirpy. Children running around and the older ones already working on the 'cathedral they are building'. Its just a plush house though.

Every morning I see the kids inventing a new game with all the garbage thrown away by the residents nearby... humble yet interesting. And today I think, life can be full of life with humility, yet the likes of me keep screwing it up with our more complex thoughts and perspectives. I realised that the past few days were turmoiled because I intended them to be that way. My complex ways to make life less complicated fell flat on its face making it even worse. Thats what we all do most often when things are as simple as they can get and then we overwork the 1 gallon mass we are so proud of.

And then I witness the queer games these children play which are so creative and definately a fine use of their brains, but they are more humbler than my thoughts and perspective towards life. Their inventions are much simpler than my quests and their dimensions more fulfilling than my desires to satisfy myself. How often we hurt others thinking its to save us the pain, but doesnt turn out to be that. We are pretty much hurt and sore. Looking at these kids this morning i realised most questions have simple and humble answers but as humans, quite like our nature we end up being more complex and it never ends.

Will i have the answers to all my questions... i dont know. But I have learnt to humble myself and wish for simpler things in life and enjoy every moment it has to offer me.